Flies can be a real buzzkill at your next barbeque or pool party. But don’t swat yourself silly! These DIY fly traps are easy to make, super effective, and way cooler than store-bought options.

So grab some recycled materials and get ready to create a fly-free zone!
1. The Sneaky Soda Bottle Trap:
This trap is perfect for catching those pesky flies lingering around the trash can. You’ll need:
- Empty 2-liter soda bottle
- Scissors or a craft knife
- Marker
- Bait (fruit scraps, a bit of rotten meat, or brown sugar mixed with water)
- Dish soap
- Mark and Cut: Use your marker to draw a line around the bottle, a little below the curvy part where it starts to narrow. Carefully cut the bottle in half with scissors or a craft knife (make sure an adult helps with this step!).
- Flip and Funnel: Place the top part of the bottle (the one with the cap) upside down and insert it into the bottom half, creating a funnel.
- Bait and Trap: Add your chosen bait to the bottom section of the bottle. Then, add a drop or two of dish soap to the mixture. The soap breaks the surface tension of the liquid, making it impossible for flies to climb out once they fall in.
- Fly Fy Away! Place the trap near your fly problem area. The flies will be drawn in by the bait and slip right through the funnel, unable to escape the soapy prison.

2. The Alluring Apple Cider Vinegar Trap:
This classic trap uses the irresistible scent of apple cider vinegar to lure in flies. You’ll need:
- Mason jar or similar container
- Apple cider vinegar
- Sugar
- Water
- Saran wrap
- Rubber band or tape
- Vinegar Power: Fill your jar about a quarter of the way up with apple cider vinegar.
- Sweet Seduction: In a separate cup, mix a spoonful of sugar with a little water. Add this mixture to the vinegar in the jar.
- Wrap It Up: Cover the jar opening with saran wrap. Secure it with a rubber band or tape.
- Poke a Hole (or Two): Using a toothpick or pen, poke a few small holes in the top of the saran wrap. These act as an entrance for the flies.
- Fly Feast: Place the trap wherever flies are a nuisance. The sweet smell will lure them in, and they’ll get stuck trying to escape the sticky vinegar.

3. The Cunning Cone Trap
This trap is a bit more discreet and works well for catching those fruit flies buzzing around your outdoor kitchen. You’ll need:
- Empty plastic bottle
- Paper or cardstock
- Tape
- Bait (fruit scraps or a ripe banana)
- Water
- Cone It Up: Roll a sheet of paper or cardstock into a cone shape and secure it with tape. Make sure the pointed end of the cone is big enough for flies to enter.
- Bottle Buddies: Place the cone, pointy end down, into the empty plastic bottle. There should be a small gap at the bottom for flies to crawl through.
- Fruity Fun: Add a small amount of bait to the bottom of the bottle.
- Watery Grave: Pour a little water into the bottle, just enough to create a shallow pool at the bottom. This will drown any flies that make it through the cone.
- Fly Fy Away! Place the trap near your fruit or outdoor eating area. The flies will be drawn to the bait and get trapped in the watery maze.

4. The Sophisticated Mason Jar Meat Motel
This trap is best for those persistent houseflies hanging around your patio. Warning: This trap can get a little smelly, so place it strategically! You’ll need:
- Mason jar
- Raw meat scraps (like a small piece of hamburger)
- Water
- Dish soap
- Meaty Magnet: Place a small amount of raw meat in the bottom of the jar.
- Watery Welcome: Add enough water to just barely cover the meat.
- Dish Soap Doom: Add a drop or two of dish soap to the water.
- Open Door Policy: Leave the jar open and strategically place it near your fly problem area. The flies will be drawn to the meat, fall into the soapy water, and meet their demise.

5. The Colorful Cup Catcher
This trap is a great option for little ones to help out, and it adds a pop of color to your backyard! You’ll need:
- Two brightly colored plastic cups (red, yellow, or orange work best)
- Scissors
- Tape
- Bait (fruit scraps or a sugary drink)
- Dish soap
- Cup Crew: Separate the two cups.
- Cut and Cover: Carefully cut about an inch off the rim of one of the cups.
- Sticky Situation: Add a drop or two of dish soap to the bottom of the uncut cup.
- Bait Bonanza: Add a small amount of bait to the bottom of the cup with soap.
- Stack and Trap: Place the uncut cup (with bait and soap) upside down on top of the cup with the cut rim. The cut rim acts as an entrance for the flies.
- Fly Fy Away! Tape the cups together to secure them and place your trap near your desired location. The bright colors will attract the flies, and they’ll get stuck in the soapy prison below.

Bonus Tip: Replace the bait in all your traps regularly to keep them effective.
With these creative DIY fly traps, you can enjoy a pest-free summer and reclaim your backyard for barbecues, pool parties, and afternoons spent relaxing in the sunshine!