Do you have an avocado on your counter that’s starting to look a little questionable? It’s brown. Its shape is no longer its usual vibrant green hue, and it appears mushy when you palpate it. It might be tempting to just throw the fruit away, but wait!
Before you chuck it in the trash, find out if the brown spots are just part of a natural aging process or something more sinister.
In this post, we’re exploring whether or not you can actually eat avocados with brown spots—so keep reading for all the delicious details!
Can you eat avocado with brown spots? Yes, avocados with brown spots are generally safe to eat. The only times when they should be thrown out is if there’s an off smell or sliminess around the skin, indicating that something went wrong with them.

Read this blog post for more information on whether or not you should eat the fruit and what you should do in case you have them.
Why Are Some Avocados Have Brown Spots?
Sometimes when we cut, there will be brown spots inside or around the seed, but does this mean they’re not safe to eat?
No! Brown spots on an avocado are not necessarily a sign that it’s gone bad.

What does brown spot mean for avocados?
The skin color is usually indicative of what you can expect inside as well – if the fruit has dark purple-brown coloring, then it will most likely have soft and creamy insides.
On the other hand, if you cut and it’s light green on the inside with dark purple-brown skin, then there is probably more of a chance that it will have chunky or firm insides.
Avocados with brown or black spots–these are often called flesh discolorations–occur when it has been exposed to cold temperatures for an extended time before it begins the ripening process.
Flesh bruises can also occur in transit or due to compression caused by excessive handling.
Brown lines in avocado: what is it?
The dark rooty lines are due to vascular browning. This has caused the vascular bundles running throughout the flesh to adopt a brown coloration.
This vascular browning highlights the highways as lines when is cut along its long axis and little dots when it’s cut through its fat middle.

Brown streaks in avocado: what is it?
The brown streaks are called “russeting,” and it’s bruising that happens when it is exposed to too much oxygen.
This can happen during the shipping and handling process or if the fruit is stored in an area with poor air circulation.
While brown spots may not be aesthetically pleasing, they don’t affect the taste or safety of the fruit.
What should you do with the brown spots?
Late in the season, when the fruit start to over-ripen due to their high oil content, they can also develop brown spots.
Suppose you cut into a less-than-ideal avocado and notice those ugly black spots. Never fear. You have to cut them out with your kitchen knife or spoon.
Can You Eat Avocado with Brown Spots?
Is it ok to eat avocado with brown spots?
Yes, they are generally safe to eat.
If it has brown spots all over its skin – or a few brown spots – then it’s not necessarily bad.
There are other signs which indicate if you should toss your avocado, such as:
- The outside of the skin is slimy or mushy.
- The inside has an off smell to it.
If any of these apply, please do not eat them!
If you notice any dark purple-brown coloring or brown spots, then don’t worry – these can be indicators of a ripe or overripe (depending on whether or not you like it).
The avocado is a little brown inside: is it safe to eat?
If the discoloration is only superficial, it’s probably safe to eat.
If, however, the browning is extensive and penetrates deep into the fruit’s flesh, it could be an indication that it is overripe or starting to rot. In this case, it’s best to err on the side of caution and throw it out.
When in doubt, give it a sniff test. If it smells rank or off, it’s probably not good to eat.
Bottom line
At the end of the day, they are generally safe to eat.
The only times when they should be thrown out is if there’s an off smell or sliminess around the skin, indicating that something went wrong with them.
What Are The Signs That Indicate When to Throw Out Avocado?
There are times when avocados should be thrown away, such as if they have gone bad or are too ripe.
Avocados that are brown and mushy should be thrown out, not only because they will make your guacamole or sandwich soggy and because it is rotting.
If you find any mold, it has gone bad – so throw it away immediately!
You can also tell if an avocado is bad if it smells sour or soapy.
How To Tell If Your Avocado Is Ripe?
It’s easy to tell if an avocado is ripe because it will usually have dark purple-brown skin or certain brown spots on the outside. There are some other indicators as well:
- The surface of the fruit feels firm but gives with gentle pressure.
- When you cut into the flesh, there should be no green tinge around any seeds.
- There should be a uniformly creamy color throughout the flesh with no brown spots or discoloration.
What is inside? If you cut an avocado in half and it’s dark purple-brown on the outside, there will most likely be soft and creamy insides. On the other hand, if your avocado has light green skin and a dark purple-brown inside, then there’s more of a chance that it will have chunky or firm insides.
About Avocado
Avocados are a type of fruit, and they’re most commonly eaten raw in slices or chunks. Some people also use them as an ingredient for cooking (e.g., guacamole).
The color can range from light green to dark purple-brown, though it is typically darker when ripe – which means that if you pick a brown avocado, it may be ripe already.
The colors can vary depending on the type you get (e.g., Hass avocados are typically dark green).
What are the health benefits of eating avocado?
One whole contains about 16 grams of fat – which is more than what you might find in many other foods (e.g., one egg has only six).
The type of fat contain is monounsaturated fatty acids, which are great for heart health. The fat can also help with weight management because it makes you feel fuller, so your stomach doesn’t crave more food.
What does avocado taste like?
They have a rich and creamy taste, so they’re often used in recipes.
If you don’t like them or can’t eat them because of celiac disease (a digestive disorder), then there are other ways to benefit from this fruit. For example, avocado oil contains many vitamins that help improve your skin and hair.
Tips for Selection
If you want your avocado to be as ripe as possible, look for one that is heavy and has a slightly mushy feel on the outside. It will not be ready to eat if it’s too hard!
You should also make sure there are no dark purple-brown spots or bruises around the skin of your avocado – these are signs of an overripe or bruised avocado that may be unsafe to eat.
Tips on how to store
How to store your avocados from turning brown too soon:
- Always store at room temperature in a cool, dark place.
- Cut it up right away and eat it as soon as you can – just don’t let any part of it go past its use-by date.
How to keep your avocados from turning brown too soon:
- Place it in a bowl and toss it with lemon juice or salt water.
- Place it in a baggie of rice, beans, tomato sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.

Recipes That Include Avocados with Brown Spots
Guacamole Recipe
- Take a quarter cup of chopped onion, half a teaspoon of minced garlic (or crushed), two tablespoons of water or vegetable oil, one tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar, one teaspoon of salt, and one to two teaspoons of chili powder.
- Mix until the ingredients are well-combined, then set aside in a bowl for five minutes before stirring again.
- Next, take four fruits (or if you don’t want it too spicy, use three), chop or smash them into cubes.
- Add the avocados to the bowl and stir.
- Serve on a plate with desired toppings, such as tomatoes, onions, or any other vegetables you might want to add.
Smoothie Recipe
This recipe is perfect for breakfast because it’s not too heavy but will give you all of your nutrients for the day.
- Take a ripe banana, one avocado with brown spots (or two if you want it to be on the sweeter side), and half of a cup each of oats or oat milk.
- Blend until well-combined – then add any desired toppings like honey, ginger, berries, yogurt, or anything else you might enjoy with your smoothie.
Now, eat an avocado!
See also: Refrigerated Avocado Turned Brown: Why and What Should We Do?