What Is Australian Fairy Bread? A Magical Treat from Down Under

What is Australian fairy bread? Australian fairy bread is famous in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. It’s also known as “Fairy Toast” or “Fairy Sandwiches.”

what is australian fairy bread
Credit: canva

The name alone has got to make you want to try it out! This blog post will teach us how to make Australian fairy bread and what ingredients are involved. We’ll cover recipes for both children and adults too.

Australian Sprinkle Bread

What Is Australian Fairy Bread?

What is fairy bread Australian? It’s a popular treat in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom that can be made with white sliced bread spread with butter or margarine and sprinkled with “Hundreds and Thousands” sprinkles. There are two types of Australian fairy bread recipes, one for children and another for adults.

The term’s origin is unknown but may come from a poem called ‘Fairy Bread’ in Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses, published in 1885.


White bread and butter. Credit: canva

Australian fairy bread is made with white sliced bread, butter, or margarine and “Hundreds and Thousands” (100s and 1,000s) sprinkles. You can also add cream cheese for a more robust flavor.

The recipe has been adapted over the years to include other ingredients such as raisins or grated chocolate.

You will need white sandwich bread, which can be any variety of your choice. The other items required are butter or margarine, sugar (grated or castor), sprinkles, and icing sugar.

Is Fairy Bread Healthy?

Now that we know what fairy bread is, the next question is whether it is healthy or not. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this question. The truth is that it depends on how you make it.

See also  Learn How to Create a Magical Treat with Fairy Bread

For example, if you use whole-wheat bread and low-fat margarine, your fairy bread will be healthier than white bread and full-fat butter.

The same goes for the sprinkles. If you use sugar-free sprinkles, your fairy bread will be lower in sugar.

Does Fairy Bread Taste Good?

Yes, fairy bread tastes good! Even though it’s a simple recipe, the result is a delicious and sweet treat.

If you’ve never had fairy bread, you’re in for a treat. The combination of sweet sprinkles with rich butter or margarine makes for a delicious snack.

Fairy Bread Origin

Credit: canva

Where Did Fairy Bread Originate?

Fairy bread originated in Australia and New Zealand. The most common theory came from the poem ‘Fairy Bread’ in Robert Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Verses, published in 1885. But fairy bread has been used for several different food items before this usage.

Is Fairy Bread Australian?

Yes, fairy bread is Australian. The term was first used in Australia and New Zealand in the early 1900s.

Is Fairy Bread from NZ?

The answer is also yes. The term was first used in Australia and New Zealand in the early 1900s. Fairy bread is also from NZ.

What are the Sprinkles Called in Australia?

Types of Sprinkles

100s and 1000s. Credit: canva

Sprinkles are scattered or pour tiny drops made from a combination of sugar, corn starch, corn syrup, and water. They can also contain artificial flavors or colors, depending on the type. They are usually used to decorate cakes, cookies, and other desserts. There are many decorative sprinkles, from tinny balls sugar, star or heart shapes sugar, gold dust, and many other forms and flavors.

While 100s and 1000s are one type of sprinkles, not all sprinkles are 100s and 1000s.

100s and 1000s Vs Sprinkles

Hundreds and thousands of sprinkles, also called 100’s and 1,000s, are decorative confectionery called nonpareil.

The French term for these confections means they are “without equal” when decorating cakes, desserts, and other sweets. The tiny balls made with sugar and starch come in many colors – originally opaque white but now available in nearly any color imaginable.

How to Make Fairy Bread Step by Step?

Credit: canva

Recipe for Adults


  • White bread;
  • Butter or Margarine;
  • Sugar (grated or castor);
  • Sprinkles.
  • Instructions:

Spread softened butter on a slice of white bread and sprinkle with sugar and sprinkles, then cut into triangles.

Australian fairy bread for children is made the same way but without sugar.

Recipe for Children

A girl eating fairy bread. Credit: canva


  • White bread;
  • Margarine or Butter;
  • Sprinkles.


Spread softened margarine on a slice of white bread and sprinkle with sprinkles, then cut into triangles.

Australian fairy bread is traditionally eaten as breakfast but can also be enjoyed anytime. It’s perfect for serving at parties.

Nutella Fairy Bread

Bread with Nutella. Credit: canva


  • White bread;
  • Nutella or other chocolate spread (peanut butter, cream cheese);
  • Sprinkles.


Spread Nutella on a slice of white bread and sprinkle with sprinkles, then cut into triangles. You can also use softened margarine instead of Nutella as the base layer and sprinkles.

Australian fairy bread can lose its crunch, so it’s best to eat immediately or store it in an airtight container for up to a day before consuming again.

See also  Can You Make Fairy Bread the Night Before? (Tips and Tricks)

Healthy Recipe

Bread with peanut butter. Credit: canva


  • White bread;
  • Peanut butter or other nut spread (almond, cashew);
  • Sprinkles.


Spread peanut butter on a slice of white bread and sprinkle with sprinkles, then cut into triangles.


Why is fairy bread an Australian icon?

Fairy bread is an Australian staple. In 1885 the Scottish-born novelist Robert Louis Stevenson published a poem about fairy cake that inspired what we now know as fairy bread.

What does fairy bread taste like?

It tastes like white bread that has been buttered, sprinkled with sugar, and topped off with sprinkles.

Members of the BuzzFeed community noted that the sprinkles added “texture” and could be “crunchy.” But for some people, the sprinkles can be annoying to eat.

What do they call sprinkles in Australia?

In Australia, the sprinkles, or nonpareils, are called ‘Hundreds and Thousands.’

What is bread called in Australia?

Bread is called ‘rolls’ in Australia.

Where does fairy bread come from?

Fairy bread is said to have originated in Wales, where it was known as ‘Bara Brith’ or ‘Speckled Bread.’ The term ‘fairy bread’ is first found in Australia and New Zealand in the early 1900s.

What is fairy bread in Australia?

In Australia, fairy bread is a type of sweetened white bread that is typically decorated with sprinkles. It is a popular food item among children and is often served at parties or other special occasions. Fairy bread is said to have originated in Wales, where it was known as ‘Bara Brith’ or ‘Speckled Bread.’

Is fairy bread good?

Warm, toasty fairy bread slathered in butter and dusted with sugar is one of those things that’s hard to resist. It’s the perfect comfort food for a rainy day or a pick-me-up after a long day. And it’s not just kids who love it – adults can enjoy it too!

What is an Australian treat that uses sprinkles?

Fairy bread is one of the Australian treats that use sprinkles. Hundreds and thousands are a type of sprinkles popular in Australia and New Zealand. They are also known as nonpareils.

How many calories are there in Australian fairy bread?

It’s hard to say how many because it depends on your recipe, but it might have around 150-200 calories per slice of bread.

Do you refrigerate fairy bread?

You don’t need to refrigerate fairy bread.

Can you freeze Australian Fairy Bread?

It’s best not to because it will lose its crunchy texture and become stale quicker if frozen, so the only way is to eat it right away or store it in an airtight container for up to a day before consuming again.

What do you call fairy bread in America?

You might hear it called ‘fairy toast’ or ‘sprinkle toast’ in the US.

What are the unspoken rules of fairy bread?

The Australians believe that fairy bread can only be made with 100s and 1000s, not long sprinkles.

Can fairy bread be made the night before?

You can make the fairy bread up to 4 hours before. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in a cool place from direct sunlight.

See also  Fairy Bread: A Delicious Australian Tradition

But it cannot be made the night before because it will get soggy.

Does fairy bread go soggy?

If the fairy bread is heated or made the night before, it becomes soggy and does not taste as good. Make fairy toast – Toast your bread first, then follow the steps.

See also: An Introduction to Pavlova Dessert: Australia’s Favorite.

Related Questions

What is Vegemite made of?

Vegemite is an Australian spread that consists of yeast extract, salt, water, sugar, and vegetable oil. It was first produced in 1922 by William McIlwraith at his factory in Melbourne, Australia. The name “Vegemite” comes from combining the words “yeast” and “mite.”
The original recipe called for brewer’s yeast, but this ingredient has since been replaced with baker’s yeast.

What do Australians call McDonald’s?

In Australia, we refer to McDonald’s as “Macca’s.”

Is Vegemite the same as Marmite?

Vegemite is made from yeast extract and salt (sodium chloride), while Marmite is made from meat extract and salt. Both are salty spreads, but they taste very different.
Marmite has a stronger flavor than Vegemite, which tends to be milder. The two brands are often confused because both contain similar ingredients, but their names are pronounced differently.

What do Australians eat for breakfast?

In Australia, we usually eat cereal for breakfast. We like porridge oats made into a kind of oaty bread called muesli. It’s often served with milk and honey. Other popular cereals include cornflakes, Rice Krispies, and Wheaties.
We also love toast! Toasted sandwiches are very common at breakfast time. They’re easy to prepare, and they taste delicious. Toast comes in different shapes and sizes, including slices, triangles, squares, rounds, and even bagels.

Bread comes in flavors such as white, wholemeal, rye, sourdough, multigrain, brown rice, wheat gluten, spelled, pumpernickel, and more.
Other foods eaten for breakfast include eggs, bacon, sausages, ham, cheese, yogurt, fruit, nuts, beans, tofu, meat, fish, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, and so much more…

What does fairy bread taste like?

The fairy bread tastes sweet and crunchy. The combination of sweet sprinkles with rich butter or margarine makes for a delicious snack.

Who invented fairy bread in Australia?

It was first made in Australia and New Zealand but has since spread worldwide. One of the earliest theories comes from the poem “Fairy Bread” by Robert Louis Stevenson in his book A Child’s Garden of Verse (1885). Fairy bread was first used for something else, though.

What foods originated in Australia?

Some of the most popular foods that originated in Australia include fairy bread, lamington cake, pavlova, Tim Tam, vanilla slice, and Weet-bix,

What is fairy bread day?

Fairy bread day is on November the 24th. It is about colorful sprinkles, sugary goodness, and lots of laughs that will span over a week.

Why is vegemite not allowed in the US?

Kraft Foods spokeswoman Joanna Scott said, “The FDA doesn’t allow the import into the U.S. of Vegemite simply because the recipe adds folic acid.”

Which is better, Marmite or Vegemite?

Marmite contains Vitamin B12, whereas Vegemite doesn’t contain any. The vitamin B3 content is higher in Marmite; however, Vegemite has slightly more B1, B2, and folic acid than Marmite. All other differences are quite small compared to a portion size of 5 grams.

What is the most popular candy in Australia?

Cadbury and Allen’s are two of the most famous candies in Australia. Cadbury favorites include Dairy Milk chocolate, Freddo frogs, and Caramelo koalas. Meanwhile, popular Allen’s lollies include Red Skins, Sherbies, and Milko Chews.

What do Aussies eat for dinner?

Aussie families tend to have a big meal after work. This means eating dinner around 6:00 PM. Dinner can consist of anything from pizza to steak to chicken parmigiana.

Is vegemite good for an upset stomach?

Vegemite is great for treating an upset stomach because it helps settle your tummy. However, if you have a severe case of diarrhea, it may be best to avoid it.

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