What Do Snails Taste Like? (Sweet Savory)

Snails are a popular pet, and they make an excellent food source. But what do snails taste like?

What Are Snails?

Photo by Mr Xerty on Unsplash

Snails are a type of gastropod mollusk. They have a coiled shell, and many are brightly colored. Some think that snails taste like chicken because they share the same spices.

Where Do Snails Come From?

Snails come from all over the world but are most commonly found in warmer climates. They are hermaphrodites and can breed both sexually and asexually. Snails have a two-chambered heart that pumps blood throughout their body.

How Do You Eat A Snail?

Do you remember your childhood when you would go out to the garden and gather snails? Now, I am not talking about the kind that lives in the ground, but rather those adorable little gastropods you can find crawling around in wet grass.

The thing with snails is that they are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. They are usually cooked in some way, be it boiled or fried. But what do they taste like? Well, they have a very slimy texture and a slightly sweet taste.

About Escargot

Escargot is a popular dish in French cuisine that is made from snails. Snails are boiled in salt water with herbs, garlic, and sometimes wine. Escargot is served either cold or hot.

How To Make Escargot

Escargot is a type of snail that is often eaten in France and some parts of Europe. They are usually made by boiling the snails in water with salt and then serving them with garlic butter.

  1. Start heating some oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium heat.
  2. Add the garlic cloves and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  3. Add the snails and cook until they are pink and just cooked through, about 5 minutes.
  4. Drain the snails and discard the garlic and oil. Serve warm with a drizzle of lemon juice, if desired.

Unique Taste of Escargot

Something about escargot makes it a delicacy that many people love. It is not just the sweet, savory taste but also the snail’s unique texture. Some people say that snails have a peculiar taste, while others say they are just okay.

What Do Snails Taste Like? (Raw To Cooked)

  • Well, if you’re thinking about eating a snail, the first thing you’re going to want to do is to wash your hands. Snails can carry lots of bacteria and parasites. You don’t want any of that on your tongue!
  • Next, find a snail habitat. If you’re lucky enough to live near one, you must pick one up and feel its body. If it’s alive, it will be squirming around in its shell. If it’s not alive, chances are it’s already dead so just be careful not to step on it!
  • Once your snail is picked out (or if it’s already dead), place the shell aside and start preparation by cutting off the head with a sharp knife or scissors.

Snail meat can be cooked like chicken or used in recipes like risotto or paella where no meat substitute is available. Finally, enjoy your delicious snail meal!

Is Eating A Raw Snail Safe?

Eating a snail may be safe, but there are some risks involved. For one, snails can carry parasites that can make you sick. They also have a slimy coating that may contain bacteria, so it’s important to wash your hands after handling them.

Should I Eat Snails?

Snails can be a delicacy in some parts of the world, but many people hesitate to eat them because they believe they taste bad. In reality, most snails don’t have a very strong flavor and are mostly eaten for their slime.

What Other Uses For Snails Are There?

Snails are used for a variety of reasons beyond their taste. They can be used for food, pharmaceuticals, and chemical production. Snails can also be used for their venom and their slime.


Eating snails is probably a good idea if you’re looking for a protein-rich, nutritious meal. However, it’s important to be sure that you know what you’re doing before you try it!

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