Do You Refrigerate Vegemite After Opening? (Beat The Heat)

Do you refrigerate Vegemite after opening? You may be wondering whether or not you should do it. This is a question that many people ask themselves and has been in debate for years. So it’s essential to know the answer.

Vegemite. Credit: unsplash

Refrigerating Vegemite after opening will ensure that the spread doesn’t go wrong for an extended period. However, many say they don’t chill it because they want to preserve all its nutrients and enzymes.

Which opinion is valid? Let’s find out how does vegemite go off? and what we should do to keep it after opening.

Vegemite and Butter. Credit: canva

Why Shouldn’t You Refrigerate It After Opening?

Vegemite is shelf-safe and doesn’t need refrigeration to stay fresh, so this is just a matter of preference.

According to the official website, the paste is a shelf-stable product. Once opened, it can be stored in the cupboard or pantry until the best-before date.

See also  15+ Vegemite Alternatives: Australia Spread on Toast

Why shouldn’t you refrigerate it after opening it? According to the CSIRO, it doesn’t contain much water, so it’s harder for bacteria to grow.

Why Should You Refrigerate Vegemite After Opening?

Generally, when food is refrigerated, germs grow slowly, and the food is safe for longer. Without refrigeration, germs proliferate and can make people sick.

What does “refrigerate after opening” mean? If food is kept refrigerated after opening, germs cannot multiply a cause quickly.

However, that does not apply to Vegemite. People only put it in the fridge if they want to have them cold.

Refrigeration doesn’t seem to make a difference in how well it keeps. But it won’t change anything besides the temperature.

Does Vegemite need to be refrigerated?

No, you don’t. Put it in a pantry or cupboard out of direct sunlight when you’re finished using it.

A darker spot is generally better for food because the sun could overheat the item. This is why a cupboard or cabinet is better than an open shelf.

How Do You Store Opened Vegemite?

Seal the jar tightly. 

Sealing up a jar is simple. This prevents air from drying out.

Place it on a shelf or pantry.

Please put it in a pantry or cupboard out of direct sunlight when you’re finished using it.

Refrigerate only if you prefer it cold 

While you don’t have to refrigerate, some people prefer theirs cold. If you’d like to chill, then feel free to store it in the refrigerator instead of in a cupboard.

Could you not get it contaminated?

It can’t go off unless an outside source contaminates it. As long as you don’t have your kids that add butter and breadcrumbs to the jar when they use it, it lasts for years.

See also  Halal Vegemite: Is It True?

How long does Vegemite last?

Many people claim that it lasts for years and years after opening. Even if it is still good after the expiration date, the paste might get thicker. But it still tastes and smells the same.

Vegemite expiry date.

The manufacturer does not recommend eating the product if it’s passed the “best by” date.

Do a visual

While Vegemite jars have “best by” dates printed, most users say you can still eat the product if it hasn’t gone bad. This is a good sign if the color is the standard dark brown and there aren’t any growths or discolorations.


Vegemite is a yeast extract, and it’s made by mixing sugar with various other ingredients. The main ingredient is the yeasts created from brewing beer.

What does Vegemite contain?

The paste contains plenty of B vitamins, including a big dollop of niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine. It also has 50 percent of the recommended daily intake for folate. You’ll also get a good dose of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and selenium.


Many say they love to eat their toast or crackers slathered because it’s delicious and gives them energy. It is also rich in B vitamins, which benefit the skin, eyesight, liver, and nervous system.


Does Vegemite expire?

Best-before dates indicate quality rather than safety. Consequently, you can still eat it after the best-before date, but it might not be as good as before.

See also  How to Eat Vegemite: A Guide

How do you eat Vegemite?

It is typically spread on toast or crackers lightly with butter. A little bit goes a long way since it’s so strong tasting. It can also be used to make soldiers for dipping eggs (soft-boiled eggs).

What is a Vegemite sandwich?

A Vegemite sandwich may consist of two slices of buttered bread, Vegemite, and cheese. Other ingredients, such as lettuce, avocado, and tomato, can also be added.

Can I give my baby Vegemite?

It is not recommended for infants aged less than one year old. When parents want to introduce it into their baby’s diet, they should just put a little on toast or add only a small amount to foods.

Why is Vegemite banned in the US?

The FDA’s regulations don’t allow product imports because the recipe has added folic acid.

Is Vegemite certified Halal?

It is certified Halal by The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. It has been certified as not containing any animal-derived ingredients and comes alcohol-free.

See also: The Difference Between Vegemite and Marmite.

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