What Is The Best Time to Eat Eggs? Everything You Need to Know

Eggs are a nutritious and flexible food that can be eaten at any time of the day. However, the ideal time to consume them varies depending on your dietary goals. The timing of your meals can affect how your body metabolizes the nutrients in food.

Eating sunny-side-up fried eggs. Credit: canva

What is the Best Time to Eat Eggs?

You might be wondering, if eggs are so nutritious, then why does it matter when you eat them?

The answer is that the timing of your meals can affect how your body metabolizes the nutrients in food.

#1 For Breakfast

The number one best time to eat eggs is in the morning.

Eating protein-rich foods like eggs in the morning can help you feel fuller longer and reduce your calorie intake throughout the day.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate eggs for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch than those who ate a carb-heavy breakfast.

Another study found that eating eggs for breakfast increased satiety and reduced hunger throughout the day.

So, if you’re looking to lose weight or improve your cholesterol levels, eating an egg-based breakfast in the morning may be the best option.

#2 After Workouts

The next best time to eat eggs is after workouts.

Egg protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscle tissue. Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, and eating them after your workout can help your muscles recover more quickly.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that people who ate eggs after their workout had more significant muscle growth than those who didn’t.

If you’re looking to build muscle, eating eggs after your workout is good.

#3 At Night

There are two different views regarding eating eggs at night.

Some people believe that eating protein before bed can help you sleep better and burn more fat. Eggs are a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan, which enables you to sleep much better for longer.

Source: (medclique.org)

However, other people believe that eating protein close to bedtime can interfere with sleep.

If you’re looking to lose weight, eating eggs at night may not be the best option.

However, if you’re not concerned about weight loss and looking for a nutritious way to improve your sleep, eating eggs at night may be a good option.

scrambled eggs and toast
Scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Credit: canva

Bottom Line

Eggs are a nutrient-dense food with many health benefits. The best time to eat eggs is in the morning, after workouts, or at night.

If you’re looking to lose weight, eating eggs in the morning may be the best option if you’re looking to build muscle. Eating eggs after your workout is a good idea. If you’re looking for a nutritious way to improve your sleep, eating eggs at night may be a good option.

Whatever time of day you choose to eat eggs, they’re a nutritious and delicious addition to any diet.

Why Should We Eat Eggs?

boiled eggs
Boiled eggs. Credit: canva


Eggs are a nutrient-dense food and are an excellent source of protein, essential vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in calories and fat. One large egg contains about 78 calories, six grams of protein, five grams of fat, and one gram of carbohydrates.

The protein in eggs is high quality and contains all the essential amino acids your body needs to build and maintain muscle. Eggs are also a good source of choline, which is necessary for brain health.

Eggs are rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K and contain antioxidants that protect your cells from damage. They are also one of the only foods that naturally contain vitamin D.


Eating eggs has several health benefits. Studies have shown that they can help you lose weight, improve your cholesterol levels, and reduce your heart disease and stroke risk.

Eggs are also a good source of choline, which is essential for brain health and brain development. Choline is involved in producing neurotransmitters that help regulate mood and memory.

Getting enough protein and amino acids is also very important. Getting enough protein can help improve muscle mass, reduce hunger, and promote weight loss. Eggs are a rich source of protein, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Consuming the egg whites alone is OK, but research shows that eating the entire egg can help promote higher muscle repair and protein levels.

Eggs can keep your eyes healthy. Egg yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential nutrients for eye health. Those helpful antioxidants can help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes.

Eating eggs can also help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight because they make you feel full and satisfied. One study found that people who ate eggs for breakfast lost more weight than those who ate bagels.

Side Effects

While eggs are a nutrient-dense food with many health benefits, some potential side effects are also to consider.

The main concern with eating eggs is the risk of salmonella poisoning. This is usually only a concern if you eat raw or undercooked eggs. To reduce your risk, make sure to cook your eggs thoroughly.

Another potential side effect of eating eggs is that they may increase your risk of heart disease. This is because eggs are high in cholesterol. However, it’s important to note that dietary cholesterol has a different effect on your body than the cholesterol found in your blood.

Allergic reactions are also common. If you’re allergic to eggs, you may experience hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face and throat. If you have an egg allergy, it’s essential to avoid eggs and seek medical help if you experience any symptoms.

Studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn’t significantly impact your blood cholesterol levels. Eggs may help improve your cholesterol levels by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol in your blood.

Delicious egg salad. Credit: canva

How to Cook and Eat Eggs?

How Many Eggs Should You Eat Per Day?

The number of eggs you should eat per day depends on your individual dietary needs.

If you’re looking to lose weight, eating one or a couple of eggs a day may help you reach your goals

If you have diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol, you must speak with your doctor before increasing your egg intake.

boiling eggs
Boiling eggs. Credit: canva

What is The Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs?

The healthiest way to cook eggs is by poaching, boiling, or baking them. These cooking methods don’t require the use of oil or butter, which can add unnecessary calories and fat to your diet.

Here’s a breakdown of the most popular cooking methods:


Boiling is a quick and easy way to cook eggs. Place your eggs in a pot of boiling water and cook them for three to five minutes.


Poaching is a healthy cooking method that involves cooking eggs in simmering water. To poach an egg, crack it into a bowl and then slip it into a pot of simmering water—Cook the egg for three to five minutes.


Baking is a healthy and delicious way to cook eggs. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and then place your eggs in a baking dish to bake an egg. Bake the eggs for 15 to 20 minutes.


Frying is a popular cooking method, but it’s not the healthiest. When you fry an egg, you’re adding unnecessary calories and fat to your diet.

If you choose to fry your eggs, use a healthy oil like olive oil or avocado oil. And be sure to cook the eggs on medium heat to avoid damaging the oil.


Scrambled eggs are a classic breakfast food. Whisk some eggs in a bowl and then cook them in a pan over medium heat to make scrambled eggs.


Omelets are another popular breakfast food. To make an omelet, whisk some eggs and then cook them in a pan with your desired fillings.


Frittatas are similar to omelets, but they’re usually baked in the oven. To make a frittata, whisk some eggs and then cook them in a pan with your desired fillings. Once the eggs are cooked, transfer the pan to the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Eggs for Weight Loss

An egg is the most loved and devoured healthy food item among Weight Watchers and bodybuilders.

Boiled eggs have lean protein content, making you feel full, and have fewer calories.

A high-protein diet may boost your metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day since extra energy is needed to help metabolize the protein in foods.

Tips for Cooking Healthy Eggs

You need to be careful about a few things to increase the benefits of eating an egg.

  • Always prepare eggs in healthy oil
  • Choose a low-calorie cooking method
  • Use minimum oil for cooking eggs.
  • Do not overcook as it can lead to nutrient depletion,
  • Combine them with vegetables.
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